Martin Popoff - eBook - Moxy - Ridin’ High.
The 2008 Martin Popoff 10-page ebook about the making of the 1977 Moxy album, Ridin’ High.
I know we’ve pronounced elsewhere—and these are short eDocs available for 99 cents as well—that Goddo’s debut and Teaze’s debuts might be the heaviest Canadian albums of the ‘70s. But along comes Ridin’ High and we have another neck-and-neck neck-wrecker of a finish (might want to put the first Anvil album in here as well). In any event, Ridin’ High is a recognized ‘70s metal classic from any country, given its jet engine riffs and fighter jet vocals from the legendary Buzz Shearman, now deceased. Come hear directly from the band how there was so much promise, only to be dashed. Note: this short $1.49 “eBook” is a chapter excerpted in full from Ye Olde Metal 1977. If you’ve already acquired that $9.99 full-length eBook, you have this.
Learn more about Martin Popoff at http://www.martinpopoff.comThis short 10-page eBook is available here as a full high-resolution PDF to provide images at the highest quality.
eBook File Size - PDF format – 110 KB